Due to the high volume of orders from our Birthday Sale, we are experiencing a 5-7 day delay in dispatching & processing Birthday Sale Orders, please see our birthday sale information page here. Once your order has been shipped, it takes 1-2 working days to arrive within New Zealand and 2-4 working days to arrive within Australia.
If you have received tracking information for your order, but no shipping updates, you order may contain:
• Handmade styles such as Raya Initial Styles, Pearl Styles, Syros Necklace & Athens Necklace
• An item that's out-of-stock and our team is putting the order on hold & has been in touch
We put a lot of love & care into making these styles for you. And we are working around the clock to get your orders out! We really appreciate you supporting us & being patient during this time!
We aim to ship all Birthday Sale orders by the end of this week - 4 October.
All orders placed after Birthday sale have not been affected, our usual shipping & processing timeframe applies, read about it here.